Been There, Slayed That: Mason’s NCS Experience
Written by Mason (he/him), who did a 'Boss It’ experience in Kendal.
3 min read
Been There, Slayed That is a weekly series where people give the lowdown on their NCS experience. This week we’re hearing from Mason! #MyNCS23
1. Why did you decide to go on an NCS away from home experience?
I wanted to have a week away to meet new people, improve my confidence, learn new skills that could help me now and in the future, and essentially have a really fun time.
2. What did you most enjoy?
I think the social aspect of the trip really made the experience worth it. Meeting new people from all different cities and backgrounds, and everyone getting along, was the greatest part. It really made me feel like I fit in!
3. What did you find challenging?
Trying to come up with new ideas that hadn't been thought of already for the Boss It Challenges was really hard, but we all had to think outside the box and persevere to come up with something unique.
4. If you could do it all again, what's one thing you'd do differently?
I'm not going to lie, everything was as good as it could have been. Maybe next time I'd get a little more sleep — however socialising at night with everyone in the room and getting to know one another was worth the tiredness!
5. What memory from your NCS experience will stay with you for life?
I won't forget the people I met — those who I’ve stayed in contact with and those who I haven't. It was sad knowing that I wouldn't see most of the people again, but it was heartwarming knowing I spent a week with the best people.
6. If you had to sum up your NCS experience in three words, what would they be?
I'd go again!
Mason, any final thoughts?
I went to NCS on my own, without anyone I knew there, and I think it was the best option. You can be yourself, mingle with people and just have the best time, carefree and happy. At NCS, it's not about who you were or what your past is, it's just a week away for you to have a good time and learn a thing or two.
Want to sign up for an NCS experience? Grab your place today! Or if you’ve already been, tell us about it to be featured on the blog.