Skills Booster helps teachers provide high-quality personal development opportunities to young people in schools and colleges. Get involved.
“Skills Booster has definitely been a success. It can only help our students go on and be good as well as successful citizens in society when they leave our school.” - Careers Leader, Suffolk
Our Skills Booster teaching packs can be adapted for use in your PSHE lessons, form-time activities, or after school enrichment time. The packs include fully editable PowerPoint presentations and teaching guides with advice, links and extension activities. Each pack contains material for approximately one hour, which can be completed in one go, or split into four 15-minute activities.
Our Skills Booster resources are arranged into three modules, each containing five or more lessons:
- Life Skills and Independent Living: including Mindfulness and Wellbeing, Looking After Your Finances, and Staying Safe from Frauds and Scams. NB: new for 2024 this module has been produced in partnership with Skills Builder.
- Citizenship and Social Action: including British Values and LGBT+ Rights, Democratic Engagement, Volunteering and your Community and Understanding Identity, Beliefs and Values ** NB new for 2025, this module has been produced in partnership with Faith Belief Forum.
- Employability and Next Steps: including Thinking About a Career, CV Workshop, and Reflecting on Your Skills ** NB new for 2025, this module has been produced in partnership with Youth Employment UK
”The flexibility to tailor activities to the needs of our students is excellent. Employability, careers, and progression sessions are vital to support students to become work ready. This offer meets all of those needs.” - College Leader, Manchester
What the sessions look like
Careers & Progression
Citizenship & British Values
Volunteering & Social Action
Health & Wellbeing
Challenge days
In partnership with Skills Builder, we are excited to be able to offer you the opportunity to access and use two Skills Builder Challenge Days, 'Social Entrepreneur' and 'A Day in Politics'. These are fully resourced days composed of nine sessions, giving students the opportunity to explore the world of social entrepreneurship and / or politics. The day can run in one go or over different sessions. Everything you need to run the day can be accessed online, including slides, activities and video content. The resource is most suited for pupils in KS4 and KS5.
Get involved in skills booster
In the last six months, our Skills Booster resources have been downloaded hundreds of times for an estimated 120,000 students in schools, colleges and other settings. So don’t miss out!
To access these exciting free downloadable resources for your school, please complete the form below:
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