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Grow your skills from your sofa

Want to build your confidence, develop your resilience, become ready for the world of work, and more…all from the comfort of your sofa? Great news, we got you!

Watch and learn

Neohaven noodle image with main looking directly at viewer

Got what it takes to run a successful business? Play Neohaven Noodles, our brand new exciting game, all about good food and bad debt.

two presenters talking into a microphone
Alternative routes to success

Success isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing. It means something different to everyone. So how do you figure out what it means to you?

two presenters smiling with one waving at the camera
Level up your life skills

The future can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! Get clued up on all things world of work, navigating finances and a whole lot more.

Two young people sitting thinking and smiling
Let’s talk employability

Turn the dream job into a reality. Get advice on writing a great CV, interviewing like a pro, and turning weaknesses into strengths.

Two young people smiling at the camera
Say goodbye to procrastination

Putting things off is sometimes easy. But is it helpful? Learn how to start getting stuff done and make life more productive.

Articles to grow your skills

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Test your skills

Discover the life skills you already possess and the ones you’d like to develop.

Employability listing card image

All about employability

Identify the main skills you need for getting a job — and how best to showcase them on your CV.