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Unique Ways To Raise Money For Charity

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Without regular donations, charities simply wouldn’t be able to do what they do. It’s because of fundraising that they are able to work hard to help people, communities, animals and the planet. And while you could simply set up a GofundMe page to raise money for your favorite charity, there are also loads of unique - and fun! - ways to get some pounds in the bank. Here are some of our favourites, and a bit of inspiration for you…


Marathon events

Yes, a marathon could mean going for a 26.2mile run...but it doesn’t have to! Decide on an activity - dancing, DJing, roller skating, swimming, knitting, colouring in, even sleeping (!) - and set a time frame. Are you going to do a 24 hour dance party? Rollerskate the length of the River Nile? Colour in every page in the dictionary? If you wanted to do something related to the actual marathon why not set the activity for 26.2 hours or miles. Ask people to sponsor you and raise the funds that way!


Gaming night

Whether it’s a computer, board, physical, or mental game, this is a really fun way to bring people together and raise money! Ask people to donate - aka, pay to play - and have lots of different types of games set up so there’s something for everyone. You could even ask everyone to make up their own game! Or if the weather’s nice, you could play some games outside like football, rounders, ultimate frisbee, even a giant game of it! Whatever you choose to do, you’ll all be winners for raising money!


Get shaving

Want to make a difference….literally? Why not raise money to shave your head! This one is quite a popular way of fundraising, as it’s often done by people who usually have long hair, or have never shown an interest in buzzing it all off. If that sounds like you, you might be able to raise a whole bunch of pounds just because people will be so interested to see the result! And you never know, it might start a chain reaction of people also wanting to get in on it. And it doesn’t just have to be your head hair - know anyone with a long beard they might shave off? Or someone with particularly hairy legs you could rope into a charity wax? Ask people to donate to you doing it, to watching it happen...or for a little more to be the one who does the shaving!


Give-it-up challenge

A lot of people try to give something up once a year for Lent. But why stop there? Use your fundraising to take on a challenge - want to give up chocolate for a month? Get people to sponsor you (and donate the money you would have spent on chocolate bars yourself!) Can’t stop scrolling? Give it up and go off grid! If you’re really looking for a challenge you could even give up talking and try and raise money with a sponsored silence….how long do you think you could last?


World record attempt

Think you’re really good at something? Like, really really good? Like, world record good? Why not prove it! Can you hop on one leg an extraordinary amount of times in one minute? Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube extremely fast? Think you can build the tallest Lego tower? Think you can beat someone at putting the most socks on a foot in 30 seconds? Make a day of it and invite your friends and fam to take part (and donate!) - maybe they could even bet on who will get the closest to, or even beat the Guinness World Record! And hey, if you do manage to actually break a world record, you’re likely to get some press coverage and increase your fundraising too, win-win!


So, what are you waiting for? Go make some money for charity!