Keeping Active During Lockdown
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Staying active during a national lockdown can sometimes feel pretty difficult. So what can we do to keep active in our own spaces? NCS Grad Sanjana gives us some top tips on how to keep moving whilst staying indoors...
This lockdown might be tough on us, but one way to make sure we aren’t too bogged down is by keeping active! Staying fit can be a great way to add some normality to this new way of life, and, like the NHS says, a good exercise routine has many health benefits that will extend past the lockdown.
But what should we do and where should we look for inspiration now that most of our usual forms of exercise aren’t available to us?
Firstly, walking! One hour of outside exercise is really easy to schedule into a day if you’re working or studying from home, doesn’t require too much space and equipment, and allows you to get a rare change of scenery.
If you go on a walk with the family, this could be a really nice way to spend time with them and explore your local area together. Alternatively, this could be a nice opportunity for some personal space, especially when we are only seeing the same people every day!
My second tip would be to seek out classes online. At university, I’m part of the Bollywood Dance Society and one of the hardest things I had to adjust to was no longer spending most of my evenings dancing – the main way I exercise.
But I followed a few dance accounts, which quickly started advertising classes they were live streaming. So, if you’re looking for something new or a way to continue how you normally exercise, I’d recommend trying a workout by the @bouncebhangra who combine cardio and a form of Punjabi dance. It’s great fun and perfect for beginners!
While Indian dance is my favourite thing to do, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea. But there are so many things online for you to try.
For something challenging but peaceful, you might want to try out Yoga With Adriene. She puts up free yoga workouts and has some great routines to start off with.
If you’re seeking something more interactive, Charlie Yoga does a free class on Zoom. The big advantage of this class is that by seeing you through the zoom call, Charlie can help correct your poses during the class, helping you feel a real sense of progress… which is nice when other things have come to a standstill.
If you don’t fancy a class, why not do something simple around the house? Many things at home can be used for exercising. For example, do some step ups. Use the bottom step of your stairs or stairwell to step on and off using alternate legs, twenty times. This will definitely get your blood pumping and work your legs!
Similarly, doing a wall sit can help strengthen the lower body and build muscular endurance. For something more fun and family orientated, you could turn on some music and do some star jumps or have a dance party!
I know in the best of times it can be hard to keep fit, so at this time it can feel a lot harder. But, I think we can take advantage of what is going on right now, in a positive way! You might find that your mind is searching for some consistency at the moment, so by putting time into your daily schedule for exercise can give you a goal and a feeling of normality.
I think it’s such a good idea to get friends involved! Come up with a workout to do and then use FaceTime or Zoom to do it together. Being with your friends might make the exercise feel less onerous.
And lastly, I would encourage you to try something new because it will become something exciting to look forward to and could be a great way to find a new interest that continues after lockdown is over!
A note from us at NCS: remember to keep yourself safe when you exercise. Warm up, warm down and don’t feel like you have to push yourself beyond your capabilities. Just do what you can and have fun.