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Find Yourself In An Urban Forest, With PoliNations

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Did you know that around 80% of plants found in UK city-gardens originated overseas? It’s true! And that’s why PoliNations exists. Commissioned as part of Unboxed: Creativity in the UK, the pop up forest, blooming in Birmingham this summer, reflects on the UK’s complex histories surrounding migration and diversity. It celebrates our differences, our roots, and our future, and emphasises the importance of access to green spaces and a healthy planet.

The forest is made up of huge fabricated trees, sitting amongst thousands of plants and flowers all co-planted by the city’s residents! There’ll be free events, live music and poetry, workshops, light shows, and unexpected plant-life origins stories. Think Carnival and Holi mixed into one…a brilliant, messy, playful party where everyone is invited!

image of a city with people walking around and a green display of polinated flowers

The forest officially blooms from 2 - 18 September, and some of our Youth Voice Forum and NCS volunteers will be attending the launch. Here’s why they’re excited to go:

"PoliNations combines the concepts of creativity and diversity in such a unique way. This project will inevitably spark conversations around the importance of both community and individuality. I think this project is so needed. There’s no value in us all being the same! It’s especially great that the event is being held in Birmingham too as it will add another layer to the legacy pieces that have materialised off the back of the Commonwealth Games. I’m particularly looking forward to watching the Sunset Shift light show when the installation will transition from day to night."

If you can’t get to the forest itself, why not check out the PoliNations website, and grow your state of mind, by creating a virtual flower for their digital garden! The way it looks is determined by a set of questions about identity, culture and society, and is completely unique to you. What will you come up with?

And, if you do live in Birmingham, the surrounding areas, or fancy a day trip, let us know you’re visiting the PoliNations forest over on our Insta, we’ll be reposting our favourite pics and vids to show off the wonder, diversity and colour the installation brings!