The Best Bits About Going Back To School

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School and college starts up again soon, so we asked what your favourite things about getting back into education are. Here’s what you had to say:

“The routine and being able to actively work on projects without distractions”

While there’s nothing quite like the summer holidays, getting some structure back to your days is also a really good feeling. Writing lists, having school planners, jotting things down on a calendar, carving out space to do homework and not getting means organisation but also leaves room for fun. The perfect balance really!

“Buying new school supplies!”


Is there anything more satisfying than opening a brand new notepad, reaching into a new pencil case and taking a never-been-used-before pen out to write up some notes? Probably (?) but hey, this is a pretty good feeling too, right? New school supplies always feel like a blank slate, a new page, a fresh start. And where better to do that than at school!

“Seeing friends I haven't been able to meet up with during the holidays”

Sometimes the summer holidays can feel like foreverrrrr...especially when you don’t see your BFFs for the whole time. So going back to school and seeing them every day again? Well, there’s no feeling quite like it! Think of all the lols you’ll have, all the tea that needs to be spilled, and all the new year #memories you’re going to make!

“Starting a new chapter and meeting new friends along the college pathway”

“new friends”

Old friends are great, but making new ones is also something to get excited about! If you’re starting college this September, it’s likely that you’ll be surrounded by a bunch of new people, which means a bunch of new opportunities to make friends for life. What more could you want?

“Being able to express myself without judgement from what I used to be”

This could be the best one yet! Feeling yourself and being your true authentic self is one of the most amazing feelings ever...and doing it without any judgement from anyone else? Well that’s a match made in heaven. New school or college years means a time to reinvent yourself, or, just be who you’ve always wanted to be. Go get ‘em!

“No more uniform as I'm starting college”

One way to be who you’ve always wanted to be, is to have the freedom to do it! And wearing your own clothes definitely helps. Clothes help you express yourself, show your personality, make a statement, and can give you a boost of confidence if you need it too. The real question is...what’s your first day outfit?

Have we missed anything? What do you think is the best bit about going back to school? Let us know over at @NCS!