you rated video games

You:Rated - Video Games

Today is World Video Games! We asked you what you love playing, and we got loads of responses! Some shone more than others, and here are your top five...


For over ten years, Minecraft has been on people’s screens, allowing them to build and explore new worlds. Infinite terrain, fighting mobs, and mining blocks, gives players fun and the freedom to express themselves. And sometimes fight off monsters too! Did you know that one of the monsters - a ghast - is actually voiced by an accidental audio recording of Minecraft’s music producer’s cat when it suddenly woke up from a nap. Meowww!

Minecraft dance


GTA was first introduced to the world back in 1997. Since then, there have been seven standalone titles and four expansion packs. So, it’s pretty popular then! Gameplay focuses on an open world where players complete missions to progress an overall story. Most of this means you’re driving around and getting into trouble (not recommended IRL!) with occasional side missions to do too. Did you know YouTuber MSuraev holds the record for fastest time completing a GTA game (GTA III) in 1 hours, 12 minutes and 10 seconds?!

GTA Car driving


Roblox is not a single game, but rather a collection of more than 50m games, all created by its community of players. The global platform allows players to come together to imagine, create, and share experience with each other in immersive, user-generated 3D worlds. From Adopt Me! - a Sims-style game where players take on the role of either an adoptive parent or an adopted child and take care of everyday needs - to Anime Fighting Simulator - a Fighting game inspired by the outlandish combat seen in various anime, there’s something for everyone! Did you know Roblox has more than 100 million active monthly players?

roblox dance


Sea of Thieves is a first-person action-adventure game where players explore an open world via a pirate ship. Players team up as pirates and complete voyages and missions from different trading companies in order to become the ultimate pirate legend. Arrrg! Did you know that in its first week of being released, it gained two million players?

Sea of Thieves volcano scene


Call of Duty is a first person shooting game. The original title takes place during World War II, and since then, there have been 24 different titles moving through time and space - literally! There have been games taking place in the Cold War, futuristic worlds and outer space. Players act as soldiers in wars, and can either play alone or take part in multiplayer missions. Did you know that Call of Duty; Modern Warfare 3 is the fastest selling game of all time?

COD lets go