Your Best Embarrassing Relationship Stories

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No matter what kind of relationship, whether it's long term, brand new, platonic, or romantic, there are always going to be embarrassing moments! Some might be the deepest oh-my-god-ground-please-swallow-me-up cringe, and some might actually be the cute kind of embarrassing that ends up being ‘the’ story you tell everyone. We asked you for your best stories, and this is what you had to say…

Feeling Finsta...

“My ex girlfriend dumped me for one of my alternate accounts on Instagram”


Note to self: don’t eat bad sushi...

“I was on a date with a girl after the lockdown ended and we decided to get sushi. We had a splendid time, however there was something wrong with the food, but we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Two hours or so after, we decided to go back to her place to chill out and we started to make out. All of a sudden I felt my stomach squeeze inside and I puked all over her...which made her puke. Cherry on top of this is that I slipped in it”


Beware the waku... 

“When out with my ex girlfriend we were strolling through our area where a notorious bird called the 'waku bird' started diving at us. We managed to not get hit by the bird but the tyranny wasn't over. With the aim of a sniper, the waku defecated and got poop between my chest and my shirt causing the poop to go all over my bare chest. Without notice of my surroundings, I started to scream and shout asking if someone had a tissue. In a fit of rage I wiped the poop with my shirt and tried to throw it at the bird...however I missed and hit my ex.”


You’ve just gotta laugh. Period...

“After NCS was over, I went on a date with someone I had met there. We went to Nando’s and everything was a breeze. He was really nice, we got on really well and decided to go and chill on a green near our houses. But when I stood up from the table, he told me I'd leaked through my jeans and told me we could stop at my house to change before going forward with the date. I was really embarrassed as this was my first date with him and I had nothing to cover it with. We got back to mine and I changed, and we continued the date on the green. Everything was great, he taught me to climb a tree, which I never could do, and we had a real laugh. He wanted to go higher but when I got up off the branch I was on I saw another patch of red all over the branch. I checked my new pair of jeans and I'd done it again. I was mortified and told him I had to go home again. We actually ended up dating for a while despite my mishap and now it's a story I like to laugh at. At the time things like this seem like a massive deal, when in reality it could happen to anyone and does make a funny dating story.”


Now that’s magnetic attraction...

“In Year 7 I spent about £10 on a claw machine trying to get a stuffed animal for my boyfriend. I ended up buying him a cute magnet instead. I felt really bad at first but a few days later on our anniversary it turns out he did the same thing, also buying me a magnet!”


Good one, bro...

“Me and my boyfriend have known each other since we were little and I was close friends with his older brother. He stalked my Facebook last year and found my Snap. He added me and we got talking and clicked straight away then he asked me out and we've been together since last year.”


A best friend bamboozle...

“I was talking to this guy who I’d met through some friends. We were keeping it low-key because he was a private person. He was adamant he didn't want my best friend knowing at the time, because he didn't want her being 'funny' about it as she was the one that introduced us...tbh I should have seen how dodgy that was. Anyway it came to Valentine's day, and he came to drop me off some flowers but couldn't stay because he had to help his mum. I posted a picture on my Snap of the flowers and saw my best friend's story...the exact same flowers were on hers! I thought it was a coincidence until I noticed a card in the middle of them with my best friend's name on it...I called her and asked her to check hers and sure enough my name was on her card! We met up the three of us the next day and we asked him about the cards and flowers to which he got mad that we'd broken his trust. Anyway we all continued being friends and they even got a relationship out of it.”