What Is Social Action Anyway?

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You might have heard us talking about social action before, whether we’re highlighting some Superstars or talking about what goes on during an NCS experience. But what is social action and how can you get involved?

In a nutshell…

Social action is about people (like you!) coming together to help empower and improve their communities through positive actions. This could be through volunteering, fundraising, campaigning, or even carrying out acts of service for vulnerable people where you live. 

Giving Back

Social action on NCS…

On your NCS experience, you’ll team up to design and deliver a social action project of your own. You and your team will think of an issue that’s important to you - this could be anything from mental health to climate change, homelessness to animal protection, crime to LGBTQ+ rights - and come up with a project that makes a positive impact in your community, and the wider world! This means thinking about what your community needs, researching charities or organisations that might be able to help you or you can fundraise for, and then turning your passion into action. 

You could do things like a sponsored walk to raise money for a charity, go into your town centre and set up posters with information about mental health, do a park or beach clean, volunteer in a local food bank, spruce up the garden in a care home, create a buzz on social media platforms, or spread kindness in your community. 

Going it alone…

Of course, you don’t need to go on NCS to do some social action of your own. You can do all of the above on your own time too! Grab some family members or friends and get planning. Speak to your local community councillors, pop into charity shops, or even have a chat with your teachers about different ways you can help out in your area. Or, take to social media and start a poll to see what issues your mates care about, and then come up with some ideas to support those issues. You could start a blog or a magazine to raise awareness about the issues, throw a games night or raffle to raise money for a youth club, or just help out your neighbour with their shopping. The world is your oyster!

Shout about it…

Once you’ve got your social action idea sorted, it’s time to shout about it. Get the word out there about what you’re up to. Contact your local media outlets. Create a buzz on social media. Tweet celebs. Invite local businesses and MPs to get involved. Tag us on Insta at @NCS because we’re always reposting amazing stories. Do it all! Social action is all about community, so the more voices you have shouting about it, the more ears will listen!
