Poet’s Corner: Wave Goodbye

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We’re back with another instalment of Poet’s Corner, our series featuring poems written for you, by you! This time, Kaitlin writes about leaving school and how it’s hard to say goodbye, but nice to reflect on what you’ve achieved…

Wave Goodbye

I will turn, I will wave goodbye
To those memories 
That leave me teary-eyed 
To those friends 
That I will leave behind 

I will turn, I will wave goodbye 
To those class photos
Our faces on the wall
Will I be forgotten? 
Will I be remembered at all?

I will turn, I will wave goodbye
To our teachers 
Who saw us grow 
Who guided us; the right path to tread
Who helped us when we felt oh so low 

I will turn, I will wave goodbye
To the halls, to the classrooms 
To the lunch tables, to the chairs
To those much beloved class displays 
To those happy little memories and God-forsaken stairs 

I will turn, I will wave goodbye 
To those friends, those mentors
To those who’ve helped me grow 
Waving to those who encouraged my next big adventure 
And showed me how far I could go 

I turned, I waved goodbye 
To those memories
That left me teary-eyed 
To those friends 
That I left behind 

We’ll be sharing your poetry throughout the year, and it’s totally up to you what you write about. If you want to get involved, let us know over at @NCS or fill in our writer application form