A selfie of four smiling girls, with one sticking out her tongue, against a colourful background with a "BIG" logo at the back. The banner includes bold text reading "BEEN THERE SLAYED THAT" and "MANJOT" on an orange to pink gradient with pixelated question mark decorations. There's also a pixelated 'like' hand icon in the lower right corner.

My NCS Experience: Manjot’s Review

Written by Manjot (she/her), who did an away from home experience in East London as part of the Big NCS Sleepover event.

3 min read

Been There, Slayed That is a weekly series where young people share a review of their NCS experience. This week we’re hearing from Manjot! 
1. Why did you decide to go on NCS?
I decided to go on an NCS experience because I wanted to do activities that would encourage me to work as a team and make me proactive. I wanted to test my abilities too.

2. What did you most enjoy?
I enjoyed the people the most. In particular, I enjoyed the experience of going up to people and making long-time friends.

Selfie of three people; a man in the foreground taking the photo with a phone, a lady in the centre sticking her tongue out, and another lady on the right smiling under a fur-trimmed hood. They are outdoors with a wooden structure and trees with yellow leaves in the background.

3. What did you find challenging?
I found going up to people and talking to them first the most challenging, but after actually doing it and facing my fears, I was able to meet more people and make more friends. I saw how other people were going up to others and talking to them so I decided to do the same.

4. If you could do it all again, what's one thing you'd do differently?
I would participate in the activities I was too scared to do before, such as Jacob’s Ladder, rock climbing and the trust fall. And I would make sure I bring my athletic clothes instead of jeans lol.

5. What memory from your NCS experience will stay with you for life?
The one memory that will stay with me for life would be meeting the amazing people and volunteers there. I had so much fun and hope to do it again.

Photo of a hand holding a Polaroid showing a group of eight people standing together outdoors, some posing with peace signs. The background features a wooden fence and a building, under an overcast sky.

6. If you had to sum up your NCS experience in three words, what would they be?
Life-changing, inspiring and exciting.

Manjot, any final thoughts?
I would definitely go again.

Want to sign up for an NCS experience? Grab your place today! Or if you’ve already been, tell us about it to be featured on the blog.