Let's Get Quizzical: Chocolate
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It’s World Chocolate Day, aka the best day of the year! But how much do you know about everyone’s favourite sweet treats? Take our all things chocolatey quiz….answers below.
1. Which company produces the white chocolate Milkybar?
a) Nestlé
b) Cadbury
c) Lindt and Sprüngli
d) Godiva
2. Which famous mountain is the logo of Toblerone?
a) Mont Blanc
b) Dolomites
c) Matterhorn
d) Mount Olympus
3. Which Belgian chocolate brand and manufacturer is best known for its seashell shaped pralines?
a) Zaabär
b) Guylian
c) Leonidas
d) Côte d’Or
4. Which chocolate bar gives you the ‘Friday Feeling’?
a) Crunchie
b) Snickers
c) Mars
d) Twix
5. Are cocoa beans a fruit or vegetable?
6. Which ancient civilisation used chocolate as currency?
a) The Egyptians
b) The Persians
c) The Ancient Greek
d) The Mayans
7. If a chocolate bar has 72% cocoa solids, what type of chocolate is it?
a) White
b) Dark
c) Milk
d) Bittersweet
8. True or false: there’s a type of chocolate called ruby chocolate?
9. When making cakes, what is the name for the glaze that mixes chocolate with heated cream?
a) Swiss Meringue
b) Fudge Frosting
c) Fondant
d) Ganache
10. In Japan, there are over 200 flavours of KitKat. Which of these is not a real Japanese KitKat flavour?
a) Mayonnaise
b) Soy Sauce
c) Cough Drop
d) Baked Potato
1. The answer is a) Nestlé!
Launched in 1936 by Nestlé, Milkybar is enjoyed by both kids and adults alike, and is the brand's 11th oldest bar. The well-known Milkybar Kid first made an appearance in 1961, with the famous catchphrase “Milkybars are on me!”
2. The answer is c) The Matterhorn!
Not only is the Matterhorn featured in the chocolate’s logo, but it’s said that the shape of the mountain itself inspired the shape of the bar!
3. The answer is b) Guylian!
Guylian was founded in 1958 in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium by Guy Foubert. Guy and his wife Liliane formulated the original chocolate recipe and Guylian was formed as a portmanteau from their first names!
4. The answer is a) Crunchie!
Back in the 90s, if anyone heard ‘I’m So Excited’ they couldn’t help but crave a Crunchie. Their iconic adverts, showing chocolate people riding chocolate rollercoasters got everyone excited for the bar, and ended with the slogan ‘That Friday Feeling’! Yum!
5. The answer is Fruit!
Cacao (or cocoa) beans are technically not beans or legumes, but rather the seeds of the fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree. The pod shaped fruit is botanically classified as baccate-like (berry-like) and each pod produces approximately 35-50 seeds surrounded by a sweet pulp- which constitute the fruit of cacao.
6. The answer is d) The Mayans!
Money really did grow on trees for the Mayans! Although people mostly bartered goods, the use of cacao stood out from the others. Records remain of societies assigning amounts of cacao beans that could be used to purchase specific items. For example, using 200 cacao beans could secure someone a male turkey.
7. The answer is b) Dark!
A basic, dark bar of chocolate contains very few ingredients – cocoa solids, cocoa butter, sugar and a binding agent. The cocoa percentage is therefore important as it shows how many cocoa solids have been used to flavour the bar – the higher the percentage, the stronger the cocoa flavour. Dark choc has a cocoa percentage of between 60% and 100%.
8. The answer is True!
Ruby chocolate was first unveiled in China in September 2017, after being created by Swiss chocolate company Barry Callebaut. It is made from naturally occurring ruby cocoa beans found in Ecuador, Brazil and the Ivory Coast, which are processed to give the chocolate that distinctive rosy hue, and tastes like ‘a tension between berry-fruitiness and luscious smoothness’.
9. The answer is d) Ganache!
Chocolate ganache is a basic pastry component made up of only two ingredients: chocolate and cream. This rich chocolatey mixture is incredibly versatile and can be used to make chocolate truffles, dessert sauces, cake fillings, icings, whipped ganache frosting, and glazes.
10. The answer is a) Mayonnaise!
Yep, KitKats come in pretty much all flavours under the sun...apart from mayo! But did you know there’s more to the popularity in Japan than just a multitude of exciting flavors. The treat happens to be a good luck charm. More specifically, it’s a good luck charm for students in Japan who are about to take their school Entrance Exams. According to Nestlé, the practice of giving students a KitKat bar for good luck originated in the Kyushu region because of the phrase “Kitto katsu!” (Win for sure!) sounding similar to the name of the candy bar when spoken in the Kyushu dialect.