How My Teacher Inspired Me…
By Writers’ Club member Kaitlin, who talks about her favourite English teacher…
If I asked you to think of one teacher who really inspired you, who would it be? For me, my year nine English teacher pops to mind almost instantly. She inspired me in so many ways and I’m so grateful for the support I received from her over that year, and in year 10 and 11, when she was my Head of Year and still continued to be a huge help in my academic life.
It’s easy to underestimate the impact teachers can have on our lives, even though ultimately, our teachers can shape who we become in the future. Just one amazing teacher can change the course of our lives, whether that’s by helping with A-Level choices or giving great advice. For so many of us, teachers are so much more than just a way of learning, they are mentors and friends. Without the support of my amazing mentors, I wouldn’t have come so far in my academic career. I’m sure almost everyone remembers a time when a school teacher gave them huge amounts of support which they will always be grateful for. Although we often complain about school being difficult, there is always at least one teacher that makes it all worth it, who encourages you and supports you.
In year nine, we began our long-anticipated GCSE preparation, and with it we were all placed in new classes, with new people, and new teachers. At first, I didn’t really enjoy English, and although I’d always enjoyed the creative writing side of it, it just wasn’t how it was in primary school. However that all changed, because half way through the year, the unexpected happened. A global pandemic and national lockdown. Although lockdown was one of the most challenging periods in modern history, teachers handled it exceptionally well. My teachers managed to keep me engaged and interested in my lessons, while still helping me reach my full potential. I’m extremely grateful in particular for my English teacher, Miss C, who, whilst in lockdown, encouraged me to continue with my creative writing passion, which I can honestly say led to me getting the courage to apply for the NCS Writers’ Club. Almost every week, she would send me feedback on my writing that I did as part of the course. However she also went above and beyond, reading my extra-curricular work, and giving me feedback to improve on my writing style and structure. I vividly remember one of her emails, describing how much she loved one of my short stories. Her kind, encouraging words will stick with me forever as motivation and as reassurance. I always felt supported in her class after that, because she gave me confidence in my work and more importantly, in myself. She also encouraged me to apply for writing competitions, and multiple times I had my work published in short story anthologies.
After year nine Miss C was no longer my English teacher, but did become my Head of Year, and never stopped supporting me with anything I needed. Returning to school was difficult for me after COVID, but Miss C was there to help me with whatever problems I had, and I will always be grateful for that. She was one of my favourite teachers, and I always knew I could go to her whenever I needed help or advice. As my Head of Year, she was always walking around before exams with kind words of encouragement and praise to inspire us all to work our very hardest.
Without Miss C, I do not think I would have had the courage to actually write blogs for a huge platform like NCS. Her kind words and encouragement were often my reason for pushing myself to apply for writing competitions and to not miss out on any opportunities. I also don’t think my writing ability would have come so far and improved so much without her support and guidance.
Miss C really inspired me to be the best version of myself, and to push myself to improve and be better. I’m so thankful for all the support she gave me over the years, she is one teacher I will never forget, especially after all she did for me regarding my creative writing.
I’m sure everyone has at least one teacher who they can truly say is an inspiration to them, no matter how old or young they are. Appreciate them while you can, they are truly amazing.