How To Kick Off Your School Year The Right Way
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It’s time for another school year, and that can feel a bit overwhelming...but to kick it off in the best way possible, all you need is a plan! It’s time for a bit of organised fun…
Routine is key
A good day starts the night before, so, making sure everything is prepped for the morning will help you get out the right side of the bed and up and at ‘em easily. Start by thinking about what you want to wear on your first day and lay your clothes out ready. That means you won’t have to spend time rushing around and making decisions when you wake up. Pack your bag and put it by the door so it’s ready to grab on your way out. And give yourself enough time to have a full night’s sleep! If you really want to be de-stressed, make sure you stop any screen time an hour or so before you sleep, so your eyes are fully rested.
The morning of your first day (and every day following, really!) it's also good to have a routine established so that things go smoothly and you feel ready to take on anything that comes your way. Make sure your alarm is set and gives you enough time to go to the bathroom, have a shower and get dressed and ready. With your clothes and bags already set out, this shouldn’t take too long and will mean you won’t have to make any last minute grab and dashes. Eat a good breakfast to give you energy and get you amped up for your new school year. Leave the house with time spare, just in case something happens - maybe there will be traffic and your bus will be held up, or maybe your friend who you walk with is running a little late and you need to wait for them.
Smart study sessions
You’re likely to have exams at the end of the year, but that doesn’t mean that you should only study right before them. It’s a good idea to set up your study intentions from the get-go - will you revise once a week? Every day? Do some practice exams throughout the year? - plan ahead and then you’ll feel prepared when the time comes! By making revision something that you do more often, it won’t feel so overwhelming when your exams start.
It’s also good to find a place to study that will maximise your productivity. Maybe that's just a desk in your bedroom or your dining room table, or maybe it’s the school library or a coffee shop. Do you need music to study or do you study in complete silence? Maybe look at your phone settings to see if you can turn notifications and app use off for the time that you study so nothing else will distract you and you won’t end up scrolling. Do what you can to make your study time and place the most efficient it can be.
Take notes and get tracking
So, you’ve got everything you need to be organised before going to school, but what about when you’re actually there? How do you stay on top of everything going on? Taking notes is a good place to start. Not only will it keep you more engaged during class, but it’ll also help towards your study sessions and eventually your exams - you’ll have everything you’ve learnt all year, in well laid out bite-sized chunks. It’s always easier to reread notes than entire textbooks - and hey, you can make it fun with colour codes, fancy bullet points, stickers and even glitter if you want it!
It’s also good to keep track of everything you’ve got going on - from homework to hang outs. Get or make a calendar that you can use to mark your school stuff (like homework dates, extracurricular activities, tests, bank holidays, sports games) and the out-of-school stuff you do too (like band practice, parties, day trips, paper rounds, social commitments). That way you'll be able to see your days, weeks, and months all at once and be able to plan and prepare for anything - and keep some days free for chilling out and resting up!
What tips do you have for kicking off the school year the right way? Let us know at @NCS!