Games Creating A Social Impact
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It’s always fun to play games with your friends or fam, especially at this time of year. But did you know there are games out there that let you have fun, and learn about the world we live in too? Here’s the rundown of some of the best games making a social impact…
Inspired by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, A Blind Legend is an audio only action adventure phone game, designed not only for people with visual impairments and blind people, but for anyone seeking a sensory experience like no other. You’ll go on a journey using binaural sound - innovative technology that is still relatively new in the video game industry - and control your hero with multi-point tactile gestures. The game, co-produced by DOWiNO and France Culture, aims to give visually impaired people access to high-quality video games, and raise public awareness of this type of disability. If you’re looking for something different, this is the one for you!
In 2011, a team of students at the MIT Game Lab were tasked with creating a game that included queer-relevant content in a meaningful way, and A Closed World was born. The browser based game focuses on a young character who begins exploring a forest on the edge of town. Disregarding rumours of “demons” that exist in the forest who have the ability to destroy the village, you must help your character overcome the hardships of a forbidden relationship by exploring what lies inside the forest. Through the journey, you’ll have to battle the forest’s demons and the ideals they are trying to force upon you, using your logic, passion, ethics, and the ability to remain calm during conflict. As the demons attack with their beliefs, you must fight back and defy their ideas of what’s “normal” and what love is supposed to look like.
This viral, online video game was designed to raise awareness of the genocide taking place in Darfur and empower people to help stop the crisis. You’ll start the game foraging for a water source and take on different actions like sending notes to the president, petitioning for refugees, or trying to increase the health of your camp. Whether you succeed or fail, you’ll learn that your chance was already predetermined by your gender and age.
If you want to start a national movement (in game play!) for an issue you care about and become a local leader, you need to play Activate! Start the game by choosing one issue to volunteer and advocate for from stopping bullying at your school, helping your family, volunteering at the local animal shelter, or cleaning up the local park. You’ll start with some local action, and then as the game goes on you’ll complete mini games to reach goals that’ll take your movement to a national level. By completing tasks, managing your resources and mobilising others you will successfully reach your goal of raising awareness across the whole country.
If you’re into politics you might like this game. You’ll learn how to evaluate what politicians say, and how to determine whether they’ll keep their word in office. You’ll look at candidates’ platforms, promises and qualifications based on their speeches, messaging and voting records. Once you feel fully informed, you’ll make your decision and cast your vote in a local election.
Here’s a cute little game about plastic pollution. Can you help the newly hatched baby turtle through his first ocean journey and keep him safe from plastic pollution? You’ll act as a guardian spirit whose job it is to push away plastic rubbish, while getting facts about pollution in our oceans. You’ll also find out ways you can get involved in oceanic cleanup and pollution prevention IRL too!