Famous Introverts And What You Can Learn From Them

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When it comes to extroversion vs. introversion, it’s often the extroverts who are seen as ‘more successful’ and ‘the right way to be’. How many times have you seen article headlines like ‘Are you an introvert? Here’s five ways to be more loud!’? There are rarely ‘Are you an extrovert? Here’s five ways to be more reserved!’. But being an introvert isn’t a bad thing. At all! Infact, some of the most successful and famous people in our history have been introverts. Just take a look...


You’d think a famous actress who has been globally recognised since she was 11 years old would love the limelight and be naturally extroverted. But, you’d be wrong. In an interview with Rookie Magazine, Emma spoke about how she’s always been praised for not being a classic party girl in such a party-centric industry. Her response was that it’s not that she doesn’t like having fun, she’s just a natural introvert, and for a long time, she thought something was wrong with her for not being an extrovert. But the more she grew and reflected on who she was as a person, outside of her acting career, the more she realised her introverted nature was something to be proud of!

Reflection is a really great tool to have in your belt. And introverts are naturally good at doing this. Carolyn Ball, an American psychotherapist has said that while extroverts tend to process by verbalizing their thoughts and coming to conclusions by speaking out loud, introverts are internal processors, who need quiet time to reflect on their thoughts and only speak once their idea is fully formed and ready to share. They take the time to think through options before speaking and wait until they believe they have something valuable to say before speaking, which keeps them thoughtful and composed.


Nelson Mandela may be the face of courage and justice, but he considered himself a naturally quiet and introverted person. In his autobiography, he speaks about preferring to observe during African National Congress meetings, rather than actively participating, saying he wanted to “understand the issues under discussions, evaluate the arguments, and see the caliber of the men involved.”


Listening is something that introverts value a lot, and is really important! According to Erin Nicole McGinnis, a psychotherapist, introverts are less likely to interrupt others, and make the talker really feel like they are being heard. Listening skills also lead to more profound and meaningful conversations, moving past superficial small talk into a deeper connection. 


Comedian Amy Schumer is known for being quite brash and ‘out there’ when it comes to her comedy, but when she’s not on stage, she considers herself an introvert. In her memoir, she wrote that “If you’re a true introvert, other people are basically energy vampires. You don’t hate them; you just have to be strategic about when you expose yourself to them— like the sun."

And she’s right! One of the most important lessons we can take from being an introvert is being able to prioritise downtime. Ryan Mizzen, owner of cuddle therapy company (yes, you read that right!) Nordic Cuddle, says that he began to thrive more after learning how to say no, in a professional and personal capacity, and making sure his downtime was as much of a priority as anything else. And for him? Well, sitting down with a good book does the job.


The father of modern physics? Check. Introvert? Double check! While ol’ Al may have made life easier for, well, pretty much everyone in the world, he was also someone who enjoyed time on his own. He was well known for saying that, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind.”

Knowing when to have quiet moments is something everyone can benefit from. Belinda Glinter, a mindset expert from Canada, says that “Introverts teach us to give ourselves time to slow down, process and think through next steps and also enjoy the process...You don’t always have to be doing something!”


Are you an introvert? What do you think the best thing people can learn from you is? Let us know over at @NCS!