Cosy Season Is Here. And This Is Why You Love It…
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The leaves are turning, there’s a chill in the air, pumpkins are starting to fill the shelves and thick jumpers are being pulled out of wardrobes. Yes that’s right, cosy season is upon us once again! There’s a lot to love about this time of year, so we asked some of our Writers’ Club members what their favourite things about the season are. Here’s what they had to say…
There are so many things to love about autumn. The changing colours of leaves can be seen. Red, orange, brown, and green. The sweet treats that are a must-eat: pumpkin pie, caramel apples, and heart-warming lattes. The weather is unrivalled, not too hot, not too cold but just the perfect breeze and cool temperatures. The spooky element of autumn is a fan favourite, a time to get your best costumes and go out of the box for one day. This holiday and many more are fewer tricks and more treats that you can truly enjoy. Many of my favourite TV shows come back for a whole season and an array of new movies come out, perfect for movie nights, and snuggling in the blankets. It’s a perfect season to wrap up and bring out your comfy clothes and big fluffy hats. The autumn term is starting which means you can romanticise going back to school. It’s also a season closer to Christmas, so what’s not to love? It’s my personal favourite season when I can enjoy my birthday and open up all my presents watching the falling leaves as a sign of a new year. This is why autumn is so great.
As the trees at the end of my road start to turn yellow, I can happily proclaim that it is my favourite time of the year again. In fact, as I sat down to write this declaration of undying love, it started raining. If that isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is. I am, of course, talking about autumn.
The first thing any anti-autumn person says is that it just rains all the time. I know we Brits enjoy complaining about the weather, but there are definite upsides to the rain. Staring dramatically out of the window like you’re in a music video doesn’t work so well in the middle of a heatwave. By contrast, a sad songs playlist hits differently when it’s raining outside. My personal recommendation goes to All Too Well (Ten Minute Version) for the ultimate experience. For filling out awkward time gaps, race raindrops with your mates. Everyone adopts a droplet, and whoever’s raindrop makes it from the top to the bottom of the window first wins bragging rights. And for those of you who don’t mind forfeiting your hair, just tipping your head to the sky in a rain shower can be quite a magical experience if you embrace it. Let the rain wash your stresses away, and then have a nice shower to get warm again. However you choose, when it rains, I strongly encourage everyone to embrace the vibes.
The weather also means it’s cold enough to start getting cosy. This is probably my favourite part of the season because I am eternally cold, and it becomes socially acceptable to stay inside and wear jumpers again. As it gets darker, I find nothing beats lighting a candle or switching on some fairy lights to set the mood. Next, I grab the biggest mug I can find and fill it with tea, and if I am lucky there’s a slice of ginger or apple cake. The only thing left to do is to burrow into a blanket nest. Then I am all set for an evening of binge-watching Gilmore Girls, or reading a good book. In this state of peak autumn, I am thriving.
My last tip for enjoying autumn is to appreciate what a beautiful season it is. Next time you pop to the shops or get the bus to school, take a minute to notice how many different shades of red and gold the trees are. Allow your inner three year old to emerge and pick up the shiniest conkers you can find. And, best of all, crunch through a massive pile of leaves. There are few things more satisfying. So, next time you find yourself wishing for summer, give one of these suggestions a try, and I’m pretty confident you’ll realise just how great autumn can be!
Summer is a season chock-full of fun but eventually the leaves must brown, the skies must turn grey, and the posters for pumpkin spice lattes must be hung. I will say that one thing I definitely like about autumn is that as it’s the beginning of the school year, everything feels much more relaxed; there’s no end-of-years, GCSEs or A-Levels hanging over your head like a guillotine, and after a long period of estrangement, you get daily contact with your friends again. About the season itself though, Halloween is definitely one of the better holidays of the year. I always like to see how other houses in my village have been decorated, and indulging in a smug sort of disappointment seeing those who haven’t bothered to decorate anything, thinking myself a little superior for remembering what they forgot (even if it was just my mum who put up the decorations). Oh, and of course, how could I hate autumn when my birthday is in October!
What are your favourite things about autumn? Let us know over on Insta at @NCS!