
Change-Makers: 1 Question, 19 Answers

Over the last few months, the coronavirus has been affecting us all. In similar and in different ways. And that’s what sparked NCS Grad Izzy’s curiosity. Just how has the virus changed our lives? 

Like many people around the world right now, Izzy and her friends are isolating. Her project, 1 Question, 19 Answers, takes a look at how individuals are handling self-isolation and how the current pandemic has changed the way they’ve had to live.

She created a short film documenting conversations with 19 young people around the world. She explains, “I wanted to capture life as it is for those affected by the rules surrounding coronavirus, rather than those with the virus itself. I'm really passionate about history and I wanted to make this so we can look back on how we felt during the lockdown.”

So how did these conversations come about? Well, it was all down to technology. Using platforms like Zoom and FaceTime, Izzy called up her participants and had lengthy conversations, “asking about their experience of isolation, discussing common topics such as exercise, grandparents and GCSEs,” which she then edited together.

But of course, as much of a good thing that technology can be, it sometimes comes with downfalls. Izzy explains, “I had to record the footage online, which presented difficulties such as poor wifi and learning to screen record”, but in the end, it all came together and Izzy managed to get all the interviews she wanted. 

Then came a new experience - editing! Without being able to access her school’s editing software - a big part of her discussions revolved around school suddenly being cancelled and what that means for teens all over the world - she had to pick up some skills on her own. She explains, “I found it challenging not having any help from teachers of school facilities, but it was also stimulating as I got to really see how well I could edit on my own!”

Izzy released the film on Instagram, alongside an invitation to donate money to the NHS in support of frontline workers. And so far, it’s had almost 1,500 views, with lots of great feedback from people watching. For Izzy, seeing how people are connecting to it is what it’s all about. She says, “I hope that people watch it and feel positive about the crisis. I want people to understand that whilst we're apart, we will be together in the future, and that nobody is alone in this.”

Watch the video here:


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Feeling inspired by Izzy’s story? Check out how Kazki and his mates created vital PPE for their local NHS. Or, do some scientific research to change the world

And if you’ve already taken part in a social action project that you’re proud of, let us know! Tell us all about it here.