Test your skills

Got skills?

Everyone’s got different skills. Learn more about essential skills, how to use them to your full potential and gain more skills. Find out more today.

Having a skill simply means having the ability to do something well. The Skills Builder Partnership groups skills into three categories:

  • Basic skills. These give you a foundation to build other skills.
  • Essential skills. These are transferable to almost any job.
  • Technical skills. These are specific to certain jobs or industries.

Your essential skills

These eight essential skills are transferable to almost any job you’ll ever do:

  1. Listening. Paying attention to what other people are saying.
  2. Speaking. Being able to clearly verbalise your ideas. 
  3. Problem-solving. The ability to find solutions for problems.
  4. Creativity. Using your imagination to generate new ideas.
  5. Staying positive. The ability to pick yourself up and overcome setbacks.
  6. Aiming high. Setting yourself clear goals and planning how to achieve them.
  7. Leadership. Supporting and encouraging other people to do their best.
  8. Teamwork. Working together with others towards a shared goal.

The skills you're confident in

The skills you'd like to build

Know what you want in life

Never stop learning

Hopefully, just by going through this article, you’ve learned a bit more about yourself. You now know that there are skills you’ve already got, and ones you’d like to improve — so try and find opportunities where you can practice those skills.

Looking to build your skills? 

If you’re up for the challenge, why not sign up for an NCS away from home experience — it’s a great opportunity to grow your teamwork, listening, leadership and problem-solving skills.

Time for another article?

Take a look at Be a Social Action Superhero or Is It Time to Volunteer?