Tell us about your local community experience...

We love hearing about how your local experience went, and sharing your stories on the blog and socials for other young people to read. 

Want to be featured? Fill in the form below in as much detail as possible - the more the better, as we use it to tell your story! 

(And give detail about why you enjoyed that)
(This might be a new skill, something about yourself or others, and give details about how this new learning might help you now, or in the future)
(e.g. Feeling connected to others, being surprised about something/someone, feeling confident in yourself, a new outlook on your future)
Maximum 10 files.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, zip, mp4, mov.
Would you be happy to take part in a follow up interview if more info is needed?