Offline Mode: Ten Ways To Turn Off

It’s safe to say that phones have become a bit of an extension of ourselves, constantly glued to our hands, snapping, tweeting, ‘gramming and liking. You’re most likely reading this on your phone right now, right? 

And while technology does give us amazing innovation and life-saving opportunities, the blue light and black mirrors we stare into can also open up a world of stress, trolling and pressures. 

With this in mind, we’re starting our brand new series, Offline Mode. A place where we’ll discuss all sorts of things, activities and experiences that can move us away from digital pressures and back to reality. 

We’re starting with online trend #SwitchOffSunday, a movement encouraging everyone to turn off their devices for an entire day (omg) and de-stress by going off grid. 

Reckon you can do it? Check out our top ten #SwitchOffSunday recommendations for some inspo:

girl laughing

Get outside: There’s a great big world out there, why not explore it? Bundle up and go for a hike, visit well known landmarks, or just kick a football around.

Roast it up: Nothing says Sunday quite like a roast dinner. Treat the family by cooking your own, or see if they’ll treat you down the local pub (and be happy knowing there’s no pressure for a gravy pouring Boomerang story…!) 

Me time: Self care is so important when it comes to de-stressing. Maybe that means doing some yoga, or soaking in the tub. R-E-L-A-X.

woman having a bubble bath

Give back: Take a look into what’s happening in your local community. Could you volunteer for a day

Get tidy: Okay so cleaning your room from top to bottom might feel like a chore, but trust us, starting the new week spotless creates such a stress-free environment. 

Move it: Turn any frustrations that have built up during the week into a positive. Use whatever’s firing you up to push you through a workout. 

hovering and dancing

Get thrifty: Have a rummage through your wardrobe and open up a Depop shop. Sell off all the clothes you don’t wear anymore, grace people with your style, and make a few quid on the side. Nice.

Read a book: Giving your eyes a break from screens doesn’t mean you can’t go ‘old school’ with your reading. Dive into a new book or magazine and don’t be worried about it’s battery dying on you...

Get creative: Draw, paint, write a song or bake a cake. Use your imagination and run with it!

Get organised: Make a weekly calendar, and plot everything you’re doing from Monday onwards. Homework, clubs, bake-off final. Whatever it is that you can’t forget, jot it down and you’ll be ready when it comes.

you got this