My First Pint


Help save the lives of people around the country by registering to become a blood donor.

Now that pubs have reopened, thousands of people across the country have been enjoying their first post-lockdown pint. And while you’re not quite at pint-drinking-in-the-pub age *side eyes*...what if there was something else you could do with a pint that’d make a massive difference...

Well, luckily there is! Why not make your first post lockdown pint, a pint of blood?

Each year, around 135,000 donors are needed to replace those who can longer donate. And about 30,000 new donors with priority blood types (like O-), and 40,000 more black donors are needed every year, to meet the growing demand for better matched blood.

So, what can you do?

Well, you have to be 17 to donate blood in the UK, so this is the perfect opportunity to get yourself on the register and help save lives around the country if you’re able to. All you have to do is go to the NHS Give Blood website, fill in your details and make an appointment to donate.

And, if you’re 16 years old, you can still register and make a pledge to donate as soon as you’re able to. 

Our NCS Grad João did just that,

“I signed up on the day of my 17th birthday to become a blood donor. I’m now 18 and have donated four times in the past year. It’s great because it’s a very direct and personal way of helping someone. You know you’re helping up to three people and you’re reminded of this by a text telling you where your blood went! Not only is it quite literally life-changing for the recipient, I really think it’s an important and humbling experience for everyone to have. You may never meet the people you are helping but by sharing something that’s quite precious you feel a happy connection to the whole community of blood donors and recipients. Besides, all the staff are super helpful and you even get free biscuits at the end!”

If you’ve still got questions, check out Judi Love’s video, below. She knows all about the importance of blood donation, as her nephew has sickle cell anaemia, and talks all about how important it is to donate, why you might not be able to, and where to book your appointment:


Whichever way you’re taking part, don’t forget to share your pledge using our Insta template, or pictures of your donation, on your stories and tag us @NCS!

Do something amazing give blood