Inside The Earth’s Fracture: Chapter Five
Read Chapter One
Read Chapter Two
Read Chapter Three
Read Chapter Four
They both looked attentively at the news van. Padre took a deep breath in, met Kai’s eyes, and began to explain confidently what the plan of action would be.
“At the break of dawn tomorrow, at exactly 6 am, you, me, and a few others will make our way down to the Edenia van. We’ll infiltrate into the corrupted system using this, and upload images of the ruins and disaster caused by the wretched Gluttons”.
In his right hand, Padre held up a small grey memory stick. One that he believed contained images of the truth and would give a true depiction of what's behind the wall. Not the fairy tale, make-believe story they created.
Kai was more than overjoyed. They knew all the things they’d done so far for the Green Movement had helped create positive change, but this had the potential to be a catalyst to a big and powerful revolution that would force the Gluttons to listen. Kai began jumping up and down, releasing all that contained excitement they had harboured so far.
“That isn’t the end, my child", Padre said.
Kai’s excitement soon changed to curiosity. What else could there be to Padre’s plan? It was practically perfect already.
“We’re going to record a live video message explaining exactly what we want changing and our list of demands. And you’re going to be the one to do it,” he said with a slight grin. He stared directly into Kai’s eyes, waiting to see their next action.
Kai’s mouth dropped wide open. Although they were actively involved in the movement, they’d never had that much responsibility. Talking to millions of Gluttons would be nerve-wracking and seemingly downright impossible.
Barely able to muster up the courage to respond, they asked “Why me Padre?”
“My child, I have been the prime leader of the Green Movement for a long time, however, you must now carry on the legacy, unite our people against one common enemy, and become the next important figure.”
He placed his rough hand on Kai’s shoulder and continued, “You are the next symbol for change”.
Suddenly a chilling breeze swept the area and the beaming sun began to retire as the white moon occupied its place. Padre and Kai began to make their way back and Kai was truly at a loss for words. This was an incredible opportunity and a chance for them to fight back and show Padre they were committed to the cause. So why did they feel uneasy?
At home, Baba was awaiting their return. Immediately Padre began to tell him about how proud and honoured he was that Kai was the one to lead a new life-changing era. One that would avenge the Saviours and be the child he knew they could become.
Kai gave a faint smile as Padre gently ruffled their hair before muttering “buenas noches” and disappearing down the depths of the hallway to bed.
Kai made their way into the kitchen where Baba was diligently washing the dirty dishes. They let out a heavy sigh. Worried, Baba asked, “Are you okay, child?” Kai knew their father was someone they could easily confide in, especially during the lowest of times, and began to unload some worries.
“It’s nothing really, I’m just nervous about giving a speech and disappointing Padre. I have no idea what I’m going to say or even if I’m ready to give a speech which determines the future of our cause”.
Baba turned off the running water, dried his hands with a worn-out cloth and took a seat next to Kai.
“The best thing you can do, is to stay true to yourself and speak from your heart. Remember what the true definition of being a fighter is and remember that whatever you choose to do will affect us all.”
He gave Kai a heartwarming hug, said “I love you”. Then Kai was left alone with their thoughts.
They began to dwell on all the possible scenarios of how the speech could go, the choices that were available and their consequences. If they performed the speech angrily, it could lead to a violent protest, with both sides clashing and possibly inciting a war. On the other hand, a more peaceful, passive approach may cause the speech to be deemed as an ‘empty threat’, causing Kai to lose the respect of fellow Saviours, and even worse, Padre.
Kai thought long and hard about what they were going to do. They grabbed an almost finished black pen, ripped the paper from their red-cased notebook, and began scribbling down ideas. Soon they easily started flowing out from the mind and onto the paper, and Kai spent the night writing down the speech that would change everything…
Keep an eye out for Chapter Six, coming soon…!