How NCS helped Kai turn his life around
5 min read
GCSE results day can bring with it a whole host of emotions. From joy to fear to disappointment. Opening your letter or email and seeing different numbers on a page can influence your next steps in life.
But what happens if you don’t get any results to open?
I have no GCSEs, what can I do?
Just a few weeks before his GCSEs, Kai was told by a teacher that he wouldn’t be able to sit any exams apart from Maths and English.
As for the reason?
“Maybe they thought I’d fail the exams and be a blot on their achievements” said Kai, “I’d been a challenging student at times. I struggled with dyslexia which wasn’t correctly managed. But looking back now and seeing how far I’ve come, all I needed was a little extra support.”

So Kai ended up leaving school with no GCSEs.
But that’s not the end of his story.
Everything changes on an NCS experience
After leaving, Kai wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He fell into a bad crowd, did a few things he’s not proud of. But he always wanted something more, something better.
His mum then suggested he try NCS (woo!)

“I’m so glad she persisted as this was the thing that changed me for the better. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but the whole experience was a crash course learning life skills, meeting new people and doing good.”
Talk about a good review! 👀
Finding the things that work for you
So what made Kai’s time on NCS so special? Well, it was threefold:
- Leaders
- New mates
- Learning something new
Here’s how Kai breaks it down:
“The leaders guided me. For the first time I felt that someone had faith in me. The new mates I met led me away from the dangerous route I’d been heading. And the whole experience gave me confidence, the ability to speak in front of others and open up.”
One team leader in particular, Leanne, had a lasting impact, with Kai saying “she won’t realise that some of those small things she did go a long way to having a big impact on someone else’s life.”
Can I get a job with no GCSEs? Yes!
But wait, there’s more!
Going on NCS gave Kai the confidence and inspiration to enrol at college on a mechanics course.
And then, the next summer, he was back on NCS, but this time as a member of staff! He said, “Helping other teenagers, some of them in similar circumstances to myself, motivated me to go for a youth work qualification.”
But wait, there’s still more!
- College ✅
- Helping young people ✅
- New job? ✅
Kai got himself a job at McDonalds and worked his way up to be a shift manager,
“I’d be in charge of looking after the store and managing shifts. Taking on a managerial role was an amazing stepping stone in my journey…And that’s where my big break came.”
That’s right, you guessed it, there’s still more!

Keep on keeping on
Kai got a job as a mental health support worker with a housing association, assisting 16-21 year olds who live in supported housing. In this role he was able to use skills like communication, empathy, and listening to really connect with the young people he dealt with every day.
He says, “I tell them I was kicked out of school, I got no GCSEs - but look at me now. I’ve got a great, stable job helping others. It can inspire them to see a light at the end of the tunnel for themselves. If I can do that, there’s no reason, with a little support from role models, that they can’t too.”

Absolutely amazing words from such an inspirational person! Someone who is continuing his journey, now transferring to a role helping women fleeing from domestic violence.
And NCS experience could change your life too
So, looking back as a 24 year old now, what does Kai think about the start of his journey and the results-day-that-never-was?
Well, he owns it. And that’s his main piece of advice for everyone getting their results:
“Own it. There’s always something around the corner, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t beat yourself up about a few grades on a piece of paper. There are other routes to achieve in life. What you need to do is be proactive and put yourself out there.”
And you never know…the rest of your life could start on an NCS experience, just like Kai! Why not check out what we have to offer and secure yourself a spot today.