Half Term Revision Tips: the importance of self care – Amelia, NCS Grad
We all know revision isn’t anyone's favourite pastime, and it definitely wasn't mine. There was always a thousand and one other things I would want to do, but after a day of revision I was shattered and would curl up in a ball and just sleep.
My revision patterns were not always the best. Sometimes I would revise very late and forget about my self care. My mum was brilliant at reminding me that self care is just as important as revision as you need to be in the right frame of mind for when your exams come around.
You are probably asking, “How do I fit self care into one of the most stressful periods of my life?” I thought that too – but once you try it you will never look back and your revision will be even more productive, trust me. Here are my three tips for self care:
Go to bed earlier, and have a revision cut off point
I never thought about a revision cut off point but you need to pick a time to say, “After 8pm, I will not do anymore revision and I will chill”. This hour or two before you go to sleep will help you relax and give you a better night's sleep without all the overthinking (that I know we all do).
Have breaks, or even days off
This will not work for everyone but I used to have one day a week where I wouldn't revise. It gave me time to chill out and think about other things like dance, friends and family. You need time to just CHILL. Self care is not just about face masks and manicures. It's about doing NOTHING, which will be a fantasy to most of you who are just eating, sleeping, breathing and revising.
Take some time for you, your mind and your body
Finally, this is the one everyone thinks of when it comes to self care. It's the face masks, skincare, healthy eating and a good hot bubble bath. After a day revision, make sure you don't just eat crisps, chocolate and sweets because you are not going to be as productive. Make sure you grab a healthy snack. I find baking and cooking helpful, so I made healthy bars to snack on rather than sugary alternatives. Have a bath with a face mask and just relax.
Thank you for reading my tips on self care, I know they sound cliche but honestly, this changed up my revision and productivity.
Thanks to Amelia for her valuable contribution to the blog this month, we hope you find her advice helpful, and good luck with your exams!