Harmless April Fools' Pranks to Try On Your Mates

The Best (Harmless) April Fool’s Day Pranks

It’s April Fool’s Day tomorrow, a day dedicated to playing tricks and pranks on the people you love! So here are some of the best - but in the end harmless - pranks you can pull to have a bit of fun with your friends and fam…

Uncontrollable Controller

This prank takes the “control” out of remote control….geddit? All you have to do is cover the sensor on the controller with a sticker or a bit of tape. Sounds like it won’t do much, but it’s guaranteed to get people annoyed (in a totally lols way)...especially if they just sat down and are super comfy.

Get Googly

Nothing is better at making someone laugh than a pair of googly eyes. It’s just science. So, get a whole load and put them everywhere! Fruit in the fruit bowl. every single item in the fridge. Cutlery. Toilet seat lids. Light switches. Pillows. You name it, you googly it.

Googly Eyed Carrot

Elastic Band Barrier

This one takes a bit of time, but it’s a sure fire way to frustrate the people you love (which is obviously what this is all about!). Take something important or essential to them - think car keys or their phone - and wrap it up in layers upon layers of elastic bands. Make it as much an elastic band ball as you can, and then just sit back and watch them try to remain patient enough to free it.

Gravity Defying Glass

*Spoiler alert* This’ll be a messy one! Carefully put an upside down glass of water on your prank victim’s desk or table and let them figure out how to remove the glass without causing the water inside to spill. How do you do that? First, fill a glass with water and then place a piece of card over the top before turning it upside down quickly on the surface. Then carefully and slowly pull the card out, leaving the glass - and water - in place. Mwahahaha…. (oh and don’t do this near electrical goods!)

Unfamiliar Faces

The kind of prank that just keeps on giving. If you’re able to, print out faces, or cut them out of magazines, of other people, and stick them on top of faces in photos you have around the house. Turn your grandpa into Gordan Ramsey, your mum into Michelle Obama, your dog into a cat, your siblings into Spiderman. And then TELL NO ONE. The best one about this prank is it could be days before anyone actually notices! And, depending on how many photos you have, it’ll be even longer for them to find them all!

family photo

What pranks are you doing to pull this April Fool’s Day? Let us know over on our Insta at @NCS!