Ask us anything NCS Summer 24 written with two question mark signs on a green background

Ask Us Anything: Summer Experiences 2024

The sun is slowly but surely creeping its way out from behind the clouds more and more and things are finally starting to feel warmer! And with that will come a bunch of you going on our away from home experiences, taking part in local community experiences, or checking out what we’ve got online!

And we’re sure you’ve got loads of questions about what to expect before you start. 

2 min read


From the differences between each type of experience to how to make new mates. What food will be on offer. The activities you’ll take part in and what essentials you should pack. Whether there’ll be wifi or not (!) How to access our content or sign up. Or maybe you just want to know more about NCS as a whole.

A picture of five young girls posing for a selfie outdoors. The picture is taken from an overhead perspective or a selfie pose by one of the young girls. All girls are making peace signs with their hands. And a picture of two young men standing practicing archery in an outdoor setting. The left individual, wearing a black top and grey jeans is in the process of shooting an arrow. In front of them are two archery targets.


Whatever your question, we’re here to help. Just pop it in the box below and keep an eye out for our upcoming blog with all the answers!