
Ask Us Anything: Sexual Health 

In life, we all have questions we’re dying to ask but might feel a bit intimidated or embarrassed about, or just not sure who to pose them to.

Head in Hands

Well, that’s all about to change!

Welcome to our brand new series Ahh!dulthood Ask Us Anything.

We’re teaming up with professionals all over the country who have all the answers, from mental health to career advice, love and friendships to sex, and drugs. 

Friends being there

This month, we’ll be joined by expert staff from Brook - the UK's leading sexual health and wellbeing charity for under 25s. Brook believes in a society where all young people are free to be themselves. Through innovative clinical and education services, digital support and tailored counselling, Brook empowers young people to take charge of their sexual health and wellbeing.

Their staff will be here to answer all your questions about SEXUAL HEALTH. From sex and relationships to STIs, consent, sexual pleasure, coping with a break-up and much much more!

Submissions are now closed.