UK Year of Service

UK Year of Service

UK Year of Service is a unique opportunity that places 18-24 year olds into socially beneficial job roles; connecting them to paid work that pays back and providing wraparound support that advances their ability to find sustainable next steps into employment, further education or training.

To date, the UK Year of Service programme has supported over 300 young adults and engaged with more than 80 employers, including grassroots charities. Through their placement, UK Year of Service members gain meaningful employment experience, delivering impact through projects with a clear social purpose. During their 9 month placement, members will develop their skills, confidence and networks as well as building their awareness of paths to relevant exit routes.

NCS will be awarding grants to third sector, public sector as well as private sector organisations. Our partners will design and deliver placements for young people furthest from the labour market, with a particular focus on young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).
The grants will focus on North East, North West and Yorkshire & Humber.

UK Year of Service grant applications are now closed. 

Please look out for more UK Year of Service grant opportunities in the future.