Skills booster

NCS launches ‘Skills Booster’  for schools and colleges

9 February 2021

  • New resources will help young people focus on their wellbeing and future goals
  • Over  80,000 students have benefited from the NCS schools support programme

NCS (National Citizen Service) has launched free online resources to help teachers support their Year 11 students during lockdown and prepare them for the future. 

We launched 'Skills Booster' to help young people focus on their wellbeing and goals. Learn more about our free online resource helping over 80,000 students.

NCS new curriculum resources will focus on personal development, volunteering and social action, ensuring that all students from mainstream and non-mainstream settings are supported to be ‘world-ready and work-ready’,  aligning with the Government’s focus on employability and the ‘levelling-up’ agenda

Four lessons  supporting Year 11 teachers and their students cover self-belief, hope and gratitude, being connected and employability, ensuring that ambition, aspiration, return to school and formal learning is not harmed by COVID. 

Sean Costello, Head of Education Engagement at NCS, said:  ‘Skills Booster’  offers teachers the crucial support they need in helping to keep their students motivated and focused on their  educational and career goals at this  challenging time.

“We know that schools and colleges have been hit hard by the pandemic, with teachers working tirelessly to ensure that our young people  continue  to learn and do not fall behind as a result of  lockdown.   There are concerns that Year 11 students will return to school with major deficits in their learning and development.

“We hope our free resources will help teachers and students cope with the stresses of remote learning, and ensure that they are supported in making the transition back to the classroom once lockdown restrictions have eased.” 

NCS ‘Skills Booster’  is designed to have a direct positive influence on the school curriculum and student outcomes. To date, NCS has already had over 570 schools register for ‘Skills Booster’. To access it yourself, please register.

Alternatively, contact the NCS Education Engagement Team by email at



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About NCS (National Citizen Service)

NCS is an experience like no other. Designed for 16-17 year olds across England and Northern Ireland, NCS is a youth programme that runs every summer and autumn, during school holidays. Teens get the opportunity to mix with a new crowd, live away from home for a while, take on new challenges and in the process build lifelong friendships.

The programme is all about emboldening young people – by giving them a taste of independence and equipping them with essential skills for life. NCSers then get a chance to take these new-found skills for a test-run in their local community.

NCS is dedicated to providing a platform to make sure young people are heard and can engage with their community by completing passion projects, raising awareness and providing solutions to the issues they care about.

The experience might last just a few weeks, but the impact? That lasts a lot longer. Since 2009 nearly 600,000 young people have taken part in NCS, completing over 14.5 million hours of community action, and gaining priceless life experiences.

NCS costs no more than £50 - with bursaries and support for those with special educational needs or disabilities also available. NCS’s mission is to give every young person the life-changing experience.

NCS delivers value for money. £3.49 of benefits to society for every £1 spent. During lockdown NCS has had over 1.7 million unique engagements with teens through its ‘Staying Connected’ hub.

About NCS Trust
National Citizen Service Trust is an Arm's Length Body of DCMS incorporated by Royal
Charter and established to shape, support, champion and lead a thriving National
Citizen Service.

National Citizen Service Trust is registered in England and Wales with Royal Charter
Body number RC000894.

To learn more about NCS Trust visit LinkedIn

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