Enrichment Partnerships Pilot

Enrichment Partnerships Pilot

We’ve partnered with The Duke of Edinburgh's Award to reach even more young people and provide further access to high-quality enrichment opportunities.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), jointly with the Department for Education, has awarded our partnership a £2.7 million grant to act as delivery partners for the exciting new Enrichment Partnerships Pilot.

The pilot, focused on the North West, North East and East of England areas, aims to test whether providing centralised support to schools around enrichment has a positive impact on the quality and uptake of enrichment activities locally, without leading to additional costs/resources for schools.

We’ve already awarded grants to organisations including local authorities, voluntary and community sector organisations and multi-academy trusts, to deliver enrichment coordination in Education Investment Areas.

EPP grant applications are now closed.

Please look out for more grant opportunities in the future. If you have any questions, please email grants@ncstrust.org.uk and our team will be happy to help.