Can Your Personality Type Find Your Ideal Future Career?
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A little while ago, we did a whole blog on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBT) - which is a test, and system that figures out what your personality type is. Check out the blog for the full run down, but, the quickest of quick recaps is:
The MBTI uses a mixture of different letters that relate to personality preferences that everyone uses at different times. The eight letters are split into four categories that represent opposite preferences:
How you interact with your surroundings - Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)
How you see the world and process information - Observant (S) or Intuitive (N)
How you make decisions and cope with emotions - Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
How you approach work, planning and decision making - Judging (J) or Prospecting (P)
Then, depending on how you fit into each category, your personality type will be made up of a variant of those letters (one from each category), so you could be an ENTP or an ISFJ for example.
So what about the future? What about personality types and career? Does your personality type match the characteristics of a certain job type? Let’s take a closer look…
ANALYSTS: Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T) personality types, known for their rationality, impartiality, and intellectual excellence.
INTJ: INTJ’s are solution people. They naturally see all the different possibilities to improve things - especially in complex systems and analytical problems. They’re organised, determined and motivated. Their ideal workplace is somewhere logical, efficient, structured and analytical. And their ideal job is one that uses their analytic skills to problem solve, and to take responsibility to implement change.
If you’re an INTJ the right job could be:
Management Consultant
Atmospheric Scientist
Aerospace Engineer
INTP: INTP’s love solving problems in innovative ways. They want to understand everything about everything! Their ideal workplace is somewhere flexible and non-traditional which values ingenuity over conformity. And their ideal job is one which allows them to explore problems with their own solutions.
If you’re an INTP the right job could be:
Computer Information Research Scientist
Biomedical Engineer
Political Scientist
ENTJ: ENTJ’s are drawn to leadership. They love to manage things and lead change within organisations. Their ideal workplace is somewhere that encourages people to think and be ambitious. And their ideal job is one that has clear goal setting and strategic planning.
If you’re an ENTJ the right job could be:
Market Research Analyst
Emergency Management Director
Estate Agent
Insurance Sales Agent
ENTP: ENTP’s need innovative solutions to challenging problems. They’re entrepreneurial and tend to approach tasks in their own, unstructured, way. Their ideal workplace is one which is intellectually challenging and creative. And their ideal job is one that lets them put creativity first when it comes to problem solving in innovative ways.
If you’re an ENTP the right job could be:
Environmental Engineer
Financial Analyst
DIPLOMATS: Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F) personality types, known for their empathy, diplomatic skills, and passionate idealism.
INFJ: INFJ’s are dedicated, helpful and focus on making everyone feel better. They have big plans and want to carry out projects for humanitarian causes. Their ideal workplace is harmonious, industrious and somewhere with a humanitarian mission. And their ideal job lets them use their creativity in an independent and organised way.
If you’re an INFJ the right job could be:
Massage Therapist
Clinical Psychologist
Environmental Scientist
Social Worker
INFP: INFP’s aren’t particularly driven by money or status, they prefer work that is inspirational, aligns with their personal values and helps other people. Their ideal workplace is one that allows them to be compassionate and empathetic. And their ideal job is one which is creative, allows them to think freely and be their unique selves.
If you’re an INFP the right job could be:
Mental Health counsellor
ENFJ: ENFJ’s love organising other people and implementing positive change. They’re enthusiastic problem solvers and have strong intuition. Their ideal workplace is somewhere forward thinking and people centered, with an emphasis on constructive action. And their ideal job is one that allows them to improve the circumstances and well-being of other people.
If you’re an ENFJ the right job could be:
Marriage and Family Therapist
Career Counsellor
Head Teacher
ENFP: ENFP’s want to use their creativity to express themselves in work. They love exploring new possibilities and approach their work with impagination, vision and inspiration. Their ideal workplace is somewhere relaxed and friendly that focuses on being creative. And their ideal job is one that lets them satisfy their curiosity and impact people in creative, innovative and original ways.
If you’re an ENFP the right job could be:
Travel Agent
SENTINELS: Observant (S) and Judging (J) personality types, known for their practicality and focus on order, security, and stability.
ISTJ: ISTJ’s are dependable and meticulous people. They take work - especially deadlines and specifications - really seriously, and like to work independently to get the job done. Their ideal workplace is somewhere stable, with clear expectations and few surprises. And their ideal job is one that is quiet, and lets them solve logical problems in an orderly way.
If you’re an ISTJ the right job could be:
Financial Manager
Medical Equipment Repairer
Forest or Conservation Technician
ISFJ: ISFJ’s are motivated by the desire to help other people in a practical, organised way. They like tradition and working hard. Their ideal workplace is one with lots of privacy and organisation. And their ideal job is one that has well defined tasks that achieve concrete results.
If you’re an ISFJ the right job could be:
Forensic Science Technician
ESTJ: ESTJ’s love organising. People, projects, operations, you name it, they love it. They like to be in control and often look for management positions. Their ideal workplace is highly structured, with clear expectations of them. And their ideal job is one that lets them use their organisation skills to produce tangible results.
If you’re an ESTJ the right job could be:
Sales Manager
Insurance Agent
ESFJ: ESFJ’s are people persons! They’re great communicators and love to organise people, creating structure that’ll help everyone out. Their ideal workplace is somewhere that provides clear expectations and has a friendly, structured atmosphere. And their ideal job is one that aligns to their values, requires lots of attention and specifications and lets them methodically organise people and processes.
If you’re an ESFJ the right job could be:
Technical Writer
EXPLORERS: Observant (S) and Prospecting (P) personality types, known for their spontaneity, ingenuity, and flexibility.
ISTP: ISTP’s are motivated by a desire to achieve expertise in what they do. They love mastering and manipulating the tools of their trade (whether that be physical tools like hammers and saws, or the tools of business)! Their ideal workplace is one that isn’t stuck behind a desk. They want physical activity, often with an aspect of risk or danger. And their ideal job is one where they can be practical and action-oriented without being overly burdened by rules, procedure, or bureaucracy.
If you’re an ISP the right job could be:
Landscape Architect
ISFP: ISFP’s want to do something that let’s them express themselves or participate in a cause they believe in. They like hands-on activities and tangible results. Their ideal workplace is cooperative, quiet, and because they’re so tuned to their physical surroundings, it's often important that their work environment is aesthetically pleasing. And their ideal job is one where they can clearly see the fruits of their labour, in a context that feels significant and consistent with their values.
If you’re an ISFP the right job could be:
Fashion Designer
A&E Doctor
ESTP: ESTP’s are right-here-right-now people. They love solving problems in the moment and have a good sense of reality and the resources at their immediate disposal. Their ideal workplace is one that takes advantage of their athleticism, their mechanical skills, or their ability to negotiate their physical surroundings. And their ideal job is a bit unpredictable, flexible, and offers them some fun and adventure throughout the workday.
If you’re an ESTP the right job could be:
Military Officer
Fitness Instructor
ESFP: ESFP’s want to be hands-on and in the middle of the action. They like to be social, spontaneous and have fun. Their ideal workplace is one that doesn’t have strict rules to follow, allows them to move around, and is aesthetically pleasing. And their ideal job is one that focuses on the present moment, has immediate and tangible results and allows them to be of service to people.
If you’re an ESFP the right job could be:
Primary School Teacher
Retail Manager
Event Coordinator
What personality type do you have? And does it match up to what you want to do as a career? Let us know your thoughts over at @NCS!